Name: Thomas G West
Position/title: Author
Country: USA
Dyslexia work: Thomas G. West is the author of three books. His first book -- In the Mind’s Eye: Creative Visual Thinkers, Gifted Dyslexics and The Rise of Visual Technologies -- was first published in 1991 and was released recently in a new third edition in 2020. The book has been translated into Japanese, Chinese and Korean. Awarded a gold seal by the Research Librarians of the American Library Association, the book was recognized as one of the “best of the best” for the year (in their broad psychology, psychiatry and neuroscience category). Mr. West has been invited to provide presentations for scientific, medical, art, design, computer and business groups in the U.S. and 19 other countries, including groups in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Dubai-UAE, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and twelve European countries. West has long been interested in the talents of dyslexic individuals along with the history of visual thinking and the way the worlds of education and work are slowly being transformed by powerful visual technologies.
West’s second book is Thinking Like Einstein: Returning to Our Visual Roots with the Emerging Revolution in Computer Information Visualization (2004).
His third book is Seeing What Others Cannot See: The Hidden Advantages of Visual Thinkers and Differently Wired Brains (2017). West has given presentations and workshops for organizations such as Harvard University, MIT and NASA Ames in the US, the Netherlands Design Institute in Amsterdam, the Glasgow School of Art, Oxford University and GCHQ in the UK, the Dyslexia Association of Singapore and a meeting of 50 Max Planck Institutes in Göttingen, Germany. West’s papers and personal blog have recently been deposited in a permanent archive in the U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
Email address: thomasgwest@gmail.com
Important links: http://inthemindseyedyslexicrenaissance.blogspot.com/